Il Michelin CrossClimate è un Premium Touring All Season pneumatico progettato per essere montato su Passenger Cars.
Dati di recensione del pneumatico da 147 recensioni di pneumatici con una media del 80% oltre 2,013,536 miglia percorse, e 24 test con un risultato medio di 3rd.
The CrossClimate is classificato 17th Di 62 All Season Premium Touring pneumatici.
Questo pneumatico è stato sostituito dal Michelin CrossClimate Plus.
Hi! I'd like to have some suggestions from you about these tyres. I drive a Citroen C5 Tourer and now I have to choose new tyres; I've seen the new Dunlop Sportmaxx rt2 as a summer tyre and it seems to be the best choice for my car, but in winter I don't wanna have winter tyres anymore. Could the michelin Crossclimate be a good alternative, a good compromise for my car for an all year round safety drive? Thank you for your answer!
Please can you give me an indication of the flexibility of the sidewalls on the CrossClimate, in my experience this has been a let down on tyres with a compound soft enough to work in cold conditions. Many thanks
In 175/65R14 these Michelin Cross Climates are XL (maybe they are in all sizes) and I wondered how this would feel on a small supermini that only requires SL? It currently has Michelin Energy Savers on it. Would these tyres mean using higher pressures and if so, by how much? Is the change from SL to XL an allowed change in terms of things like insurance etc? I have used Bridgestone A001s in the past and been impressed but didn't like how they hit the fuel economy. These seem to be an improvement on that front, hence my interest. Finally, can you change just two tyres (on the same axel) or would it be like using winter tyres and you'd need all four changing at once to keep the car in balence? Thanks for any input you can give :)
Does the cross climate meet the legal criteria for winter tyres in european countries especially Germany
Hi, I have just replaced 2 front worn radials on my Merc A180 with crossClimates, but the rear radial tyres dont need replacing yet, will this affect performance and safety when driving.
Are crossclimate legal as wintertyres in countries that req wintertyres as law in certain months.
When will the Michelin Cross Climate be available in 165/65/14 size
Does cross climate have a greater fuel consumption than summer tyres? Because I see mixed user reviews about this but no actual test.
Im considering purchasing some cross climates for my car. However, my car has 14" wheels and I understand that Michelin do not produce the crossclimate+ tyre in 14" sizes. Is there a noticeable difference in durability and performance when worn between the standard crossclimate and the + models? And is there a reason why they do not produce the + model in 14"?
My current Continental Sport Contact 3 tyres are down to 3mm on the front (rear 6mm). On any kind of light snow/slush the front tyres just spin. Could I fit 2 Cross Climate tyres or shouldn't you mix summer and all season tyres?
I'm in a quandary; which would be my best choice? Michelin CrossClimate or Nokian Weatherproof SUV 235/65R17 for a Toyota RAV4?
Why Crossclimate have so much difference from Crossclimate+ on ice performance?
In quale paese o paesi vengono attualmente fabbricati i pneumatici Michelin CrossClimate venduti in Islanda?
Ciao! Vorrei chiedere informazioni sulle prestazioni di questi pneumatici in condizioni fuoristrada. È vero che gli pneumatici Allseason tendono a deteriorarsi più facilmente? Di solito faccio 50% asfalto - 50% fuoristrada con un massimo di 1 mese di neve all'anno. Pensi che vadano bene o è preferibile uno pneumatico estivo? La mia auto è una Fiat Panda Cross.
Ciao Tyre Reviews, guido una Mini Cooper (R56) con pneumatici 205 45 R17 e poiché Michelin Crossclimate non è più prodotto, cerco consigli su quali pneumatici acquistare e se sono gli stessi o la migliore alternativa. Elenca altri suggerimenti di pneumatici premium che possono essere acquistati sul mercato UE. Grazie e cordiali saluti
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Hai esperienza con il Michelin CrossClimate? Aiuta milioni di altri acquirenti di pneumatici